EU Talent Day 2018

EU Talent Day 2018   PRESS RELEASE

The Libre Art Network is an international network of artists who present examples of their works as ethical artist.


BUDAPEST, 2018. 03. 18. - Libre art Association announces the EU Talent Day Libre art Festival in March 25, 2018, Central Europe.

It is the first time when the EU Talent Day becomes filled in with a real, libre licenced Art content presented by some members of the international Libre art movement.

Centre of this evening is Budapest, when EU Talent Day was established in 2011 in honor of Béla Bartók, who was one of the most talented Europeans, a world-famous composer in the 20th century.

The Libre art Association organizes immediately the central event in Gödör Klub / G3 Center in the centre of Budapest & invites kindly the press representatives to this puclic, charity event.

Contact: Attila Szervác, festival director: <>

Budapest - Gödör Klub / G3 Center - 18:00

  EU Talent Day Libre art Festival /
   Bartók  Charity Art Evening

Artists: Márton BUJDOSÓ, Attila SZERVÁC, Bánk SÁRY, Ernő RUBIK, Zsolt SŐRÉS, Viola LÉVAI, Grégory Chevalier, Károly TÓTH, Tibor WEINER SENNYEY, Péter ORAVECZ, Anna TERÉK, Zsanett PÁPAI, Bulcsu GÖDRI, Mihály BAZSINKA, LEVEGRU Company, Imitation, 434cam

18-20h: Art music & Contemporary Dance  Evening - Zeneművészeti és kortárstánc Est

20-21h: "Bartók & Poetry" - reflextions with Tibor Weiner Sennyey & friends - Bartók és költészet

21h-: Libre art Jazz - A Bazsinka Quartett s a Bartók Jazz Tanszak hallgatói

        Facebook event

Budapest - Séta Klub - Szív u. 51 - 20:00

  EU Talent Day Libre art Festival @ Séta Klub

Artists: FAQ Company, Ágnes Tóvaj, Viktor Baradlay, István Dankó

20-21h: FAQ Színház: Csodakorcsok - Salinger: Franny és Zooey alapján: Esemény:

21-22h: Dankó István

Festival director: Attila SZERVÁC libre art  composer libre artist, librartist, (&writer) cultural manager

  telefon: 06706424416